people because there's ability insurance system or here is what stephen garth the chief actuary had to say about how to fix the program. the forty trajectory cannot be sustained one not only cannot be but it will be i mean. that's pretty clear and the projections were made. and in one thousand nine hundred four the disability insurance trust fund was just one year away from being depleted and at that time congress enacted every allocation of the payroll tax but they didn't increase overall tax aid is a federal restructuring required to fix the disability program. there's no doubt that congress has to step in here and restructure the program but the most important thing. to do is rein in some of these loose eligibility requirements or eligibility standards that have allowed a lot of non-disabled people to get on the program you might not necessarily want to throw existing people off the rolls because that's just going to be politically very challenging but at least you want to tie it up for future and role is to make sure that the people who are on the program in the future are truly di