now, stephen higginson is a well-respected consensus nominee.served as a federal prosecutor for 23 years. he serves as a law clerk to justice byron white of the united states supreme court and to patricia wall of the d.c. circuit. he currently teaches law at the new orleans college of law. the american bar association's standing committee on the federal judiciary unanimously rated him well qualified, the highest rating they can give. to serve on the fifth circuit. and the two senators from louisiana, one a democrat, one a republican, democratic senator mary landrieu and republican senator david vitter, support his nomination. in the past, mr. president, such a nominee would go sailing through and would not just have to wait week after week, month after month after month. it's been stalled for months by the republican leadership. i should, incidentally, just so the record is clear, the day, july 14, when he was confirmed in the -- by the judiciary committee or nomination was sent forward by the judiciary committee, we cleared his nomination on th