oklahoma attorney stephen jones is appointed as mcveigh's public defender.ly rejects the possibility of an insanity defense. >> timothy mcveigh was not insane. he was rational. he was interviewed by several psychologists and psychiatrists and didn't have any obvious mental disorder or emotional disorder. >> the question comes up, why is a non mentally ill individual going to conduct a bombing which kills hundreds of people? >> i don't want people to misread what i'm about to say, but i was surprised at how affable and likable he appeared to be for a man who had killed 168 people in cold blood. >> reporters dan herbeck and lu michelle spent more than 70 hours interviewing mcveigh trying to gain some insight into what led him to become a domestic terrorist. by all accounts, an early turning point for mcveigh comes in 1988 when he joins the army. while stationed at ft. benning, georgia, he and his roommate michael fortier bond with their platoon leader terry nickles over a distrust of the federal government. >> mcveigh took an instant liking to him and loved he