they are on the same page as stephen kennett.fairs secretary ‘s thing, if you are leaving the single market by the customs union, watch are moving towards is a free trade movement. —— czechoslovakian. just to pick up on that, it is fair for czechoslovakian. just to pick up on that, it is fairfor him to czechoslovakian. just to pick up on that, it is fair for him to say that. the canada negotiations, they nearly fell apart at the end because the parliament threatening to beat them and not vetoing it. send cv are already in the eu and most of our regulatory standards are common standards, why should we take that as long to do it when we are already on the same page? that is part of the case thatjeremy hunt was making today. we are beginning from a place where everything is aligned. and so actually you should be able to get from zero to a free trade deal quicker than say canada or south korea. the reaction has been muted from other parts. the irish leader saying he is concerned. jeremy hunt though says this is a negotiation, it woul