located at 1050 valencia street, assessor's block no. 3617, lot no. 008. district 88 appellant; stephen m. williams on behalf of the liberty hill neighborhood associationn filed september 12, 20133. clerk of the boardd >> the clerk: sf 2512341234 item 130897:[affirming the approval of a final mitigated negative declaration - 1050 valencia street] motion affirming the approval of a final mitigated negative declaration under the california environmental quality act by the planning commission for a project located at 1050 valencia street. clerk of the boardd12341234 item 130897:[affirming the approval of a final mitigated negative declaration - 1050 valencia street] motion affirming the approval of a final mitigated negative declaration under the california environmental quality act by the planning commission for a project located at 1050 valencia street. clerk 1050 valencia street. clerk of the boardd12341234 item 130898:[reversing the approval of a final mitigated negative declaration - 1050 valencia street] motion reversing the approval of a final mitigated negative declaration under the california