you know things are better than they really are and another another instance i'll live in is stephen marino is the fellow's name who worked for ogilvy at the p.r. firm that convinced b.p. to set up the b.p. america facebook page and then let them run it and he gave a very interesting talk at university of texas austin exactly two years after the spill almost to the day and in this talk he's talking to a class of business students i believe it was a about the p.r. machine that they ran and he was very specific about the types of things that they would do he he gave the example of anyone who's familiar with this story is maybe seen there's a b.p. commercial where there's an african-american woman named iris and she claims to be from new orleans and from the gulf and she's working for b.p. and she's standing there with a shirt on saying you know i'm from new orleans i'm here with b.p. and we're not going to leave until we make things right he said they would run these ads and then track the media impact of them via facebook and twitter gauge audience response re cut the ads based on that respo