brendan culver rogers and then stephen noetzel. >> i believe we got an e-mail from mr. rogers -- supervisor kim: sorry, mr. rogers is currently deployed. there are so many applicants in front of us. >> good afternoon, supervisors. i currently serve as the recently elected secretary to the veterans affairs commission. i have been on the commission for almost two years now. i do not know if this committee recognizes that the veterans affairs commission is really currently under a renaissance. we have been operating in the past two years with new vigor, with new vision, and with a new focus on paying attention to the needs particularly of all the returning veterans coming back from deployments and coming back from our overseas commitments right now. so we have initiated under president varni this year a new group of goals. in particular, our biggest goal is to work in the high rate of unemployment among veterans, particularly younger veterans returning to the city. this report relates to homelessness as well because we have learned, for example, statistically that we are -