stephen orlins is president of the national committee on u.s.- china relations, which seeks to promote better business and other relations between the two countries. peter narvarro is professor of economics at the university of california, irvine, and author of "death by china: confronting the dragon." well peter narvarro, as that title suggests, you've been very critical of chinese practices when it comes to american businesses. this deal with dreamworks is quite new, but how might it fit into that larger picture? what does it tell you? >> jeff, i think this is actually the poster child chinese protectionism. if you look at the deal, basically, droom works is forced to take a minority stake in the deal. basically they have to transfer their animation technology to what will eventually be a future competitor. most of the animation-- and, there were, most of the jobs-- are going to be in china, and the revenues that we're likely to see over the course of that venture will probably amount to little more than paying for one day of our trade deficit to china. it's a poster child of the con