stephen rapp is the u.s. ambassador at large for war crimes issues. he leads the state office of global issues. we reported on these horrible photos when the story broke, but you have had a chance to meet with caesar and see many of these images. you told the atlantic council that this is solid images of the kind of machinery of cruel death that we haven't seen frankly since the nazis. what do you say to the syrian government's contention that these photos are a fabrication? >> that is an impossibility and also false. our analysis of these photos is that they are genuine. there are tens of thousands of them depicting thousands of individuals. four or five pictures per person. and having reviewed them, situations, 400 where eyes are gouged out. others where people have had horrible chemical burns on their bodies. others where people have been cut open, alive. many that have been strangled and quite a number starved. men, women, children, abrought to a military hospital, hospital 601 in damascus, in such great numbers that they had to be stacked up, in