according to the stephen sheppard, average citizens depend on art to carry them through difficult economicfor not only do they provide entertainment, but they also provide for the culture needs of the society at large. and in a study done by north adams in hartford, new york, business, laws with and health care are among the fields in the modern society. the message of the study is under the right conditions, culture can pay. >> $5 trillion of american's household wealth evaporated in the span of three months. that was just one here ago. >> it's hard to imagine the arts would be prosperous during the time of economic recovery. that's not what these artists had to say. we first talked to mrs. coltman, she grew up in south africa. after earning several agrees, she moved to the u.s. with her husband, peter. >> you think it's extremely valuable for people of all ages to be able to use music as a place to go to retreat from our technological world, to find beauty and to find peace, and just enjoyment. after 9/11, i noticed my piano studented that increase the the practice time, they find a secu