stanley anthony starita jeffrey stark derek james statkevicus patricia j. statz craig william staub william v. steckman eric thomas steen william r. steiner alexander robbins steinman edna l. stephensndrew j. stern norma lang steuerle martha jane stevens michael james stewart richard h. stewart, jr. sanford m. stoller douglas joel stone lonny jay stone jimmy nevill storey timothy stout thomas strada james j. straine, jr. edward w. straub george j. strauch, jr. edward thomas strauss steven r. strauss larry l. strickland steven f. strobert walwyn wellington stuart, jr. benjamin suarez david scott suarez ramon suarez dino xavier suarez ramirez yoichi sumiyama sugiyama william christopher sugra daniel thomas suhr david marc sullins christopher p. sullivan patrick sullivan thomas g. sullivan hilario soriano sumaya, jr. james joseph suozzo >> and my aunt, who was funny, outgoing and always kept the family together. i was only one week old when she passed away but i honor you every single day that -- by the name you gave to me. you are my hero and the bravest person i have known. we love and miss you. >> and my father, richard. and my uncle, james. 20 years ago today i went to school that