a knife that a former ballimore city homicide investigator stephen tabeling says may be illegal. enforcementicerr perspective i would say that's a switch blade knife"10:06:01 the knife has spring action similar to a swtcihblade, a "ii makes it moreedangerous :16 becuase it's instantaneous, if swishh and out pops the blade" 10:05:2504:08:15"there is no logical use for that knife, especially in this urban environment"04:08:20formerrfbi agent dr. tyrone powers says culture of fear insiie schools have fueled voilent encounters between students. 04:06:25 "many oo these fights occuring in schools are multiple individuals jumping on nee individual and they are students who have never been voilent at all felling they must uue something to defend problem, powers says tte city needs to cut offfthe supply first.04:07:44"either thee mayor or tte city ouncil willl have to sya to eveyr business you are part of the olsution for draaitically reducing 16:25:00"i just basically teach my son to keeppto himsell and be carrful who he associates with"16:254:5 but for now parennssof ccty students can only offer wo