ost: stephen weiss, curator at paris island museum, someone i know you interviewed for your book andlso he's written about it but here he is talking about robert smalls. individuals that are associated with the sea islands around port royal, robert obviously, a native, another individual who comes center to at penn plan his strategy in the 1960s, both are very articulate. well known for their speeches. if nothing else, at least a lot speeches are ls' written down and are wonderful things. he has wonderful sense of humor, in the 1895 convention, and he makes comments tillman.itchfork, ben braved. smalls never went around armed after the civil war. there were threats against him. he once commented, when you have faced down a can morning these little pistols mean nothing to you. were passists. he and larry roland wrote a three volume history of beaufort. which is fascinating and has everything you could ever want to necessity about the area in steve was a great larry read the manuscript, gave insights, feedback, pointed me to the right people to talk to. incredibly helpful throughout th