melissa: stephen yates. >> all agreements stand or fall on verification. almost all of them fail on verification. earlier comment referenced experience with north korea which is extremely instructive, we concluded an agreement. there were verification steps and they developed alternative path to nuclear weapons anyway which exceedingly high probability with iran. it also does nothing to address iran destablizing neighbors sponsoring terrorism calling for elimination of israel, death to america et cetera. we still have a middle east on fire. technical agreement that probably has a maybe, 5% chance of implementation. melissa: chris harmer, i'm really interested in what you had to say because are you trying to say the amount which they have agreed to unravel their nuclear program still leaves them with enough power to have a bomb? >> yeah absolutely it does. that 6100 centrifuges they are acknowledging they will v that is 6100 centrifuges they will allow inspects of. doesn't go into account for all centrifuges they have hidden. amount of nuclear program they