smith who police said fled from a traffic stop. police are bracing for what could be a strong reaction and response from its community. sterling brown released a statement flew threw twitter saying it should not have happened. he said he plans to take legal action against the milwaukee police department. jeff. >> glor: okay, demarco in milwaukee, thank you very much. thank you very much. hawaii's volcano emergency enters its fourth week tomorrow with the possibility of a major eruption at any moment. explosive bursts of lava, steam, and ash continue tonight as homes and a geothermal electrical plant are threatened. mark strassmann is on the big island. >> reporter: this is leilani estates, overwhelmed by a river of molten misery. lava has burned and buried more than a dozen homes here. 1700 people fled. some returned to broken homes and hearts. imagine this giant crack running under your house. active fissures push out new lava every day. most of it flows into the pacific ocean, away from people. but some lava menaced this geothermal plant. workers stabilized 11 wells to prevent the release of uncontrolled toxic gases. officia