it's been a pleasure dealing with a stetson stork. passengers now disembarking... you're under arrest. up against the wall. attention -- mr. dan benton, please report... hands behind your back. you've got the wrong guy! you are chuck wilson, alias chuck martin, alias charles henthorn. we got you this time. this money is marked. take him out to the car and read him his rights. well... let's get the baby and take him back to his parents. okay. he's gone! he must have slipped out the back. i'm sure he's going back to miss mcconnell's house. i'd better get her on the phone at the store. the beautiful princess said, "if i kiss you, will you buy me a halston dress and take me to long island and build me a condominium?" there we go. it's time for us to get rocking. here we go. oh, whoa. let's get down, get funky. there we go. there we go. ? finkadoo, hatchling ? ? veez be-dum go ? ? wonda dan dursel you're waiting, too ? i'm so proud to be a father. can't wait for you to meet your god-moose, too. i'm a father. here, chuck. here's a cigar. thank you, carl. mindy, i'm a fat