it's stone cold steve austin. ting, now you're a big movie star, back in the day before you became steve austin, you were born with another name. and you were telling me an interesting story about why you didn't want to be known as steve austin. >> i started my wrestling career under my real name, steve williams, i started in the dallas area and they shipped me to tennessee. i needed a new handle there. the booker came around and asked me what my name was. i couldn't be steve williams. he gave me 15 minutes to come up with something, so he stuck me with steve austin, which i didn't want to be because because i was a lee majors fan. it ended up working out. >> gretchen: what does injure driver's license say? >> steve austin. does not say stone cold. >> brian: i don't see you as a fighter. tell me about the movie. >> i have some tender moments in the movie. not quite shakespearean yet. i'm working on my acting chops. i had a lot of fun making this movie. it's challenging and i think this is a starting point of where