steve balmer, the head of microsoft, likes to say google is a one-trick pony. but in fact, they have four p y ponies that they are riding. search is one. and by the way, as mobile phones and smart phones grow, so does search share because people are doing it on their mobile phones. so that's not a declining business. second they have android, the operating system. it's now the largest for all cell phones. they will figure out how to monotar rise that. third they have cloud computing, which is a hot area, which is when you do on your blackberry or iphone a server, that's a cloud. and they are saying to companies, you don't need your own i.t. department. let us do it for you. and obviously, advertising is a huge area for google. and there's a fifth, which is youtube. 40% of the videos downloaded are done on youtube. this is relevant to what we're talking about content today. youtube was losing a billion dollars a year by relying on user-generated content. what they discovered is advertisers would not want their friendly ads next to some dog pooping on the street.