that was some of our conversation with former microsoft ceo steve balmer. almer. his thoughts on the knicks' legacy and the future of artificial intelligence. this is bloomberg. ♪ cory: back to the l.a. clippers owner steve ballmer. emily chang sat down with ballmer, former microsoft ceo, of course. she asked what he thinks about the current ceo, what it's like to watch him take over. steve: i think his book was actually pretty good about that. he recognizes the good, he recognizes the things that needed to be changed. i think he's navigated that very, very well. from my perspective, you know, we knew we needed to get into the cloud. i got that started. he has really taken it to another level and i respect the fact he has had to do things differently. i knew things would have to be done differently in that area. that's the reason it was a good time for a change, if you will and the hardware's a whole different deal. he's pushed that along with xbox and surface and i kind of respect that needed things done differently. and overtime, things need to be shaken up and