. >> that was so much steve ban n bannon. he's always had it out for ryan. hard line conservatives.t i have always had it out for paul ryan. the strategy is to use this failure, off load some of the responsibility from president trump, put it squarely on paul ryan. >> what do you think of the pirroe change? >> that's confusion. i think your point is right. we think there's some sort of collusion or conspiracy with trump and fox news. the truth is you're right. he's just watching. he's probably just responding to the news. he's seeing a countdown clock the same way anyone would see it. >> were you sensing this conservative backlash to the bill before it would happen on friday? >> part of why working in talk radio is to fun is because you're working in the complaint department of life. when ever people don't like something, you hear about it right away. my listeners didn't like it. i think the conservative media made a mistake. they think if it was killed, the result would be paul ryan would lose the speakership. i don't think that's going to happen. i think they misunderstand who don