basis in our schools, in our workplaces and i say to my friend, that we've been many times with steve berg, and quite frankly, i believe what we have in here corresponds quite well and not some of it is in here and some of it is in the bill because there are tax credit and things for businesses to provide those kind of incentives to the payroll. so it's not all in our bill. some of that is also in the finance committee. so it's -- it's clinical. it's schools, it's workplace and it's communities. the trust for americans' health did a great study and they came out with it last year showing that small investments in community wellness programs had an immediate payback, an immediate payback in the first and second years afterward. you didn't have to wait 10 or 20 years. they had immediate paybacks and so we had to think about the whole spectrum from early childhood through schools and workplaces through communities and clinical basis for settings and prevention and wellness. when i say that i might also mention that we can't forget about two other aspects of this. one is oral healthcare and ma