but some will and so if you've got a horn to toot, you should toot it. >> steve clemons, where do we go from here in libya? >> well, i think that we need it encourage as best we can the national transition council to get its act together, to figure out who the heroes of the revolution are. there are a lot of new players that came in inside libya in the last two months that weren't part of the original benghazi coalition. they need to be built in. and we need it make sure to keep this a libyan story and not do victory lapse constantly talking about all we did. there is a very strong anti-colonial, anti-western sentiment inside libya, even with all that we did, that will continue to be politically palpable and consequential there and i think we need to be respectful of that process. they will have struggles. their problems won't be money. it will be sorting out power. we need to be respectful of that and try to guide and encourage and hook them up to as many international institutions and network as possible to try to create some peer pressure, support for what's going on inside. >> an