those people are really good, thank you, steve collier. yeah, i don't know what to do about it. i have thoughts about, they could have some kind of mental health survey that property owners would have to take and if it disclosed that they were incapable of feeling either compassion or ethical standards they would be prohibited from owning property. yeah. but meanwhile i do appreciate the efforts, what you are trying to do. it's a step. it's a step. but it is a crisis, as people have been saying, and i have to say after listening to all the other people and their stories, this is a case where misery does not like company. i wish nobody had to go through what i went through. the only reason i'm still in san francisco is because at the last minute when i was totally freaking out i was introduced to somebody whose roommate was moving out. so basically at the age of 67 i moved into a room in an apartment with a complete stranger. >> thank you very much. >> where i still live, i'm 75 now. thank you. >> thank you, ma'am. next speaker. >> hi, my name is andy blue. thank you, supervisor