point, the stock price it, respond, but right now just feels like it's a bit snake bit as a >> steve dodash joins us now to talk more a tbt the banks ttonight. he i president of iht wealth management. thanks for joining us, steve. always gyod to see >> good to see you bill, too. >> what's your version? why do you think the stocks sold off as much a they did today? the bank stocks i'm talking about. >> the panic stocks sold off because we all knew this quarter was going to be the big quarter. er since the t bill was floated out there last summer, we were all leading up to thish point, ands why you saw the bank stocks have alamo but it isn't about what they did in the past, it's about what they thought they were going to do moving forward. we needed them to crush, which ey did, but we need them to continue to crush and to continue to grow at theey rates e been doing. 30% a year, year over year, you can't have that over and o again. so we need to see more strength. we are in a goldilocks piod right now for banks. it's not unrealistic to think but certain bank stocks like wells fargo have a who