my name is steve dolim. i'm commissioner with the ccda and presently serving as vice chair to the commission. i think i also served in the purpose of our discussion is i served as the chair for our sub-committee on the accessibility check list project, and to give you a little history the accessibility check list sub-committee was formed in july of 2014. the purpose was in response with what the legislature tasked in senate bill 1608 which became government code, and several years before july of 2014 we -- this task was to create a check list a master check list for disability access compliance that maybe used by the building inspectors, and this was the mission as defined by the california legislature in preparing that law. the check list committee was formed with 11 members, and then the ccda executive director. the listen committee members made -- 11 members came from a very diverse background. we had five members of the aia. we had six registered architects. we had four certified access specialist instit