real quickly, we're about out of time, but you work with the alliance too, with steve duff and his folks in helping promote new business. >> buzza: we're all in economic development, so whether it's a visitor coming and bringing their money or a new business coming and bringing employees and their investment, it's all economic development, so we're all part of the same team in the grand scheme of things. >> ron: aaron buzza, executive director of the beautiful convention and visitors bureau. check out the website. i love the video is. >> buzza: thank you so much. >> ron: there's 25 episodes so you'll lfarn something, i >> ron: right now we'd lili to welcome to the program a couple of representatives of the salvation army of waterloo and cedar falls, great organization, as you kw, and their most important or one of the post importanantimes of the years coming up. let me introduce major harold poff and he comes to us from the state of indiana. this is his first year, so his first appearance on the steele report. we welcome you tohe cedar valley and we hope we can come through for you again