. >> steve eichbauer. i'm here on a parole violation. 30 ua. 30 urine analysis for using drugs. it's lucky because we both want to exercise. sometimes you get a cellie who doesn't want to exercise. it's nice to have somebody that does because then you can use their body weight. >> you want to not look over your back as much. if you're just a stick figure walking in here with some new beef, you know, you've got your chest all puffed out like this, you know, and you're talking like bubba, you know, then, of course, you're going to have some problems. but if you're consistently working out, then people know that you're pretty much physically fit. they'll leave their hands off of you. because you don't want to end up somebody's girl, you know, something like that in here. yeah. >> as for the new arrivals, they'll have to come up with their own methods for coping with life behind bars. >> you know, it's cold, and it's depressing. and this is the worst. but you have to do it. when i go to sleep and you have nightmares about this place and wake up and i'll still be stuck in the same ni