. >> so steve engelberg, is the economics of the business one issue, what about leadership and audience. how do they play in. >> it's very interesting because right at this very minute we have the best investigative reporting tools we've ever had in the internet. it's amazing what we can now access in terms of information. and people are reading more. the problem we've got is that people aren't willing to pay for it and that's a big problem. and as margaret says, it's a particularly acute problem outside the major cities of the united states. and even in some of those major cities where newspapers are 50% or less of their previous size. that's the problem. it's an economic problem. with respect to the craft, it's a great time to be an investigative reporter. >> it's really a double edge sword of technology, right, about digital technology allows a certainwwfrñ kind of reportind more dissemination. but you're saying the economics make it harder. >> exactly. because people feel on the internet the content ought to be free. and so newspaperseomoney by char subscription and ads find their a