steve fainaru and mark fainaru-wada. the book is "league of denial."e'll be right back. ( cheers and applause ) ( cheers and applause ) >> stephen: welcome back. nation, you know, i got to say, i think something's going to happen because i kind of thought i knew everything i needed to know, but i have learned absolutely so much about football this week. for instance, in football, dribbling is called fumbling, and gets you fired from sports. but i've also learned that the superb owl is about seattle and denver, the northwest versus the west. grunge versus country. plaid versus other plaid. ( laughter ) and more importantly, these are the big cities in america's two legal pot states. ( cheers and applause ). so, whether-- whether you're from the mile high city or the absolutely baked city, you want to win this game like it's a box of little debbie swiss cake rolls. and who better to represent these two cities than the people who represent these two cities, their mayors. please welcome the honorable mayor ed murray of seattle. thank you so much. ( cheers