you had on steve forbes the other day, and i was surprised to hear that his grandfather was an immigrant to this country. this country was built by immigrants. this country is a nation of immigrants. the gentleman that called in talking about he works with these people, so he has an insight -- to me, that is nothing. by the way, this gentleman mentioned something about technology. i come from a nation that is less advanced technologically. i find that very offensive. i find that extremely offensive. host: that said, should there be any change in immigration policy? guest: of course there should be, but to listen to these people speak, is nothing but xenophobia. i am a human being. i immigrated to this country the same way your grandparents immigrated to this country. host: mark krikorian, he used the xenophobia twice in the phone call? guest: this is something that critics of immigration ring up constantly. my grandparents were immigrants, too. i did not even speak english until i went to kindergarten. i did not even know old people spoke without accents until i was in high school. that