here to make the case in the guest spot is the book author steve fraser. "the cycle." >> thank you for having me. >> you are comparing two time periods. the latest few decades with a decade about 100 years ago and looking at the relative movement in terms of worker rights. when i look at the early -- when you look at the earlier period of 100 years ago, no five day workweek and child labor laws and is it fair to compare the two and uprising today? >> it is fair to compare them and the governor of new jersey has made that case. the broad middle class and working population has not just recently but for the last 25 or 30 years suffered a downward trajectory in their well being and material well being and the sense of real secure and they have been living in an economy -- 40 million people work and make poverty level wages in america today. there is a vast surveillance network that surveils what you are doing at work. we all work 24 -- you guys probably do 24/7 and all sorts of people do. meanwhile, the skewed distribution of wealth and income in america is e