steve gatlin: exactly. disappear with-- with no trace of not talking to anyone, it was unlike her. keith morrison (voiceover): so, gatlin looked up at laurens front door. second floor, left side. nothing seemed amiss. out front, a garbage truck lumbered up. but, blocked by the police cars, was unable to empty the complexs trash bins. the truck moved on. by then, lieutenant gatlin was in the apartment, looking around. steve gatlin: it just looked like somebody walked out and shut the door. keith morrison (voiceover): puzzling. the day was hot already. a humid breeze scuttered across the yard. steve gatlin: when we start coming down the stairs here, thats when the wind, kind of, hits you in the face-- keith morrison: yeah. steve gatlin: --and you could smell something. you could smell a foul odor. keith morrison: a recognizable foul odor. steve gatlin: pretty much. keith morrison (voiceover): that was a smell lieutenant gatlin was all too familiar with. he followed his nose to one of the trash bins outside th