steve glaser is introducing the bill.ssed, the students who agree to take 15 units per semester would get benefits like tuition wavers. less than 20% of cal state students are able to graduate in four years. more than half of first time freshmen finish within six years. >> my parents said, you better graduate in four years. >> exactly. >>> spring training in arizona today. san francisco plays its first game march 2nd. the giants will open the regular season on the road in milwaukee on april 4th. giants fans, this is another even-numbered year, so the giants have won the world series in 2010, '14. maybe this year will be another even. >>> oakland athletics pitchers and catchers began spring training saturday. the rest of the team is due to arrive on thursday. oakland plays its first training game march 3rd. they play chicago white sox april 4th. they look to return to the post-season for the first time since 2014. >> stay on top of what's happening at spring training with sports anchor mike shumann. he'll have live reports