steve gomes and former special agent worked under mummer stationed in st. louis and los angeles. you're uniquely qualified to talk abo what is he like, what can we expect? >> he is tough as nails. this is, somebody who doesn't mess around. he goes right into a job. he asks hard questions. he is demanding. he is very impatient. he gets right done to business. expects agents and investigators to provide answers and results right away. what i expect from him in this investigation. the right person for the job at the right time. anything that gives you insight how he might conduct this investigation. do you think he will start from scratch. add more people. how does the process work. >> well, first of all he is going to set goals and objectives for the investigation based on the parameters provided to him by the deputy attorney jen ram. and from there, he is, i think his overall objective is going to be to, conduct the most comprehensive investigation and to conduct this investigation as fast as america and the world is looking at, the results of this investigation. they are going to