save the environment and save money with these green gadgets from the author of "gadget nation," steve greenbergtoday? >> green shirt, greenberg, it all shirts. >> green attitude. >> first up, this one blows my mind. this is called laundry ball. this replaces your detergent. it will do 365 washes. it uses -- actually, because of the ph changes the water, you don't need soap. you can wash in cold water. that's it. i tried it out with t-shirts right here. dirty t-shirt. i've been using it a week. amazing. >> so that's called smart -- >> it's called smart clean, but it's laundry ball. >> what's the dryer? >> this is from woolsey's, basically pieces of wool but it reduces dryer time 25%. you don't need these with a lot of chemicals. >> they're going to be sorry to hear that. >> sorry for them. next, this is called fan buddy. it's a filter you can put on a regular square fan. instead of getting an expensive air purifier or running your air conditioner, this is a much cheaper way to keep your air clean. you can add it to a tall one. we ran this run for a couple weeks. you can see how dirty it is. i do