if ecpi were sitting here today rather than steve gunderson they would tell you when we're eng e engaged in on site education of veteran, all we need to do is screw up once and that commander will never again direct any of us enlistees to our school. >> when you say if a school is being disciplined or going after a school, what practices are they performing that requires them to discipline or to investigate? >> i think the biggest allegation against our sector over the last four years has been misrepresentation. as i tried to show in my written testimony and much more quickly in my oral testimony is that there is between the accrediting standards and the v.a. and the department of education, all of them prohibit misrepresentation in advertising or sales. there's a lot of different avenues to go after that particular enforcement. that's number one. number two in why we support counselling is because i think if the veterans that i've talked to at these schools tell you they have a complaint, it is that they don't know the right questions to ask at the beginning. they will tell you as they