steve did you enjoy? i'm glad you enjoyed it and i'm scared. test >>> according to a new british survey, the average single dude only changes his bed sheets four times a year. that would be great if i only went like that because i can't count, but i am slow. that's basically once every six months. and guys 18 to 25 are the guiltiest. couples change their sheets much more often averaging once every two weeks. you know who else rejects hygiene? >> let's go to bed. >> bath time. bath time. >> bath time. >> bath time. >> i don't think he likes the bath. >> that was the take away. >> iment to say -- i meant to say it is british dudes being dudes. we have the famous rivalry. ever since the old world series of -- >> the red sox of western europe. >> it is dudes being dudes. i am married and i have -- we change the seats. >> we. >> exactly. >> i have to -- changing sheets is hard. somebody has to have one end. >> it takes two people. >> whoa, whoa, whoa. i am going to take off the homeless mask for a second here. i change my sheets pretty regularly, an