if you're stuck in this position, imagine, steve, at a humphrey hawkins testimony, imagine janet yellentestimony long after she's been confirmed in a bipartisan basis getting a series of questions from them, urging her to do different things. imagine if she said, senator, with all due respect to you and your 99 colleagues, if this economy's not growing at 3% next year, it will not be the responsibility of the federal reserve, it'll be the responsibility of the congress and the administration and put the burden on them to take back the baton, do good fiscal policy, trade policy, but it's not going to happen, steve, easily if the federal reserve continues to say they can compensate. >> what do they do with quantitative easing? what would you have them do in december and january? >> i would make it clear that qe is on a path towards extinction. i would be pretty committed as to what the sell down will be from 85 to 65 to 45. >> regardless of the market reaction -- >> absent some extraordinary -- >> very little -- >> not 3% in stocks. not 2.7 on the ten-year. >> your strategy if you need to