fox news network cannot confirm this but reporting steve iger is very good. at this moment, dallas news is on wall to wall and there is, what appears to be a standoff of some kind underway. if we can simulcast our friends from kdfw we'll be able to hear steve iger lead coverage as reporters are on the scene of what has been a chaotic night. a protest of which we've heard and we're squeezing back local stations and their reporting is according to sources, 3 to 6 police officers down during downtown dallas shootings. let's listen as fox 4 reports. >> sean, i know you've been working phones. what have you learned? >> there are multiple officers who are gravely injured in the dallas police department. this is going to be a horrible night. before the sun rises. there are 3 to 6 officers who are as many as six officers, five officers gravely wounded according to my sources inside of the dallas police department. this is not going to be a good night in the city of dallas. >> there is a veteran reporter of fox 4 in dallas. police sources are impeccable and his report