. >> he's doing it steve irwin style. in actuality, this rabbit has a virus, the shoep pamploma, they get it from a bug. they say why don't they take this rabbit to a doctor. >> yeah, would you like to see the rabbit get some help. >> at the same time, it's not necessarily everyone's responsibility or this guy's responsibility to take a wild rabbit to the vet. >> the tumors can eventually grow to where the rabbit can't eat. warning to people with pet rabbits. don't let them out in the back yard in the summer, because they can contract it. >>> sadie is meeting the new family kitty for the first time. >> she is like what is that thing they brought in the house? i can't look at it, i can't, i want to, i can't. but they said everything went well. >>> who knew of all the skills spiderman has, it included basketball? >>> do we know who this guy is? >> we do know who this guy is. this is street ball legend the professor. you may remember. street baller baller and look at his skills. crashed the court, taking this dude in the kev