steve forbes, rich c a argad and steve japson. you think the uprising is good for taxpayers. how so? >> two ways, david. they will have more imagination and good parliamentary maneuvers and battling with president obama on taxes and spending, the debt limit are coming up again in the next few months. people like paul ryan, jeb hensarling. they're into policy and setting the foundation for the post-2016 election. these people to succeed boehner in the leadership in the house are very interested in policy, pushing the next president if he or she doesn't do it on their own. >> fair and balanced. that's the best face to put on it. bruce, when's the worst face? >> well, i don't think that, you know, the people who ousted boehner and apparently ousted mccarthy, they didn't want to do anything. and they haven't really accomplished anything. i mean, if they would have gone along with grand bargain with the president, you would have lower corporate taxes right now and i don't think -- i don't know what they'll do. they haven't accomplished anything. >> mike, some people say if you don