all of the other labor trustees are steve jennings, bill read ardon, and others.e management's guide -- on the management side, i want to thank them as well. thank you for everything that you did and all of your powers that made this happen. i also want to thank the members of the local 38 joint apprenticeship committee. we have the chairman bill blackwell, toni, john, frank, r.j., ron, kevin, kevin, raul. thank you for guiding this program and for all of your input into the new school. i would also like to recognize pete, the local 38 trust administrator for his hard work with the loan and during the process. [applause] i want to thank our trust fund lawyers involved in making sure everything was legal and on the up and up. thank you. [applause] i also want to thank larry and bob nibby. the building looks great. you did use union subcontractors. we appreciate that. steve also acknowledged those who did the mechanical on this job. bob and fred, thank you. you did an outstanding job. kenny is here, too. steve also mention this, but the engineering company that inst