with -- worked alone for about seven years and then i brought in john fisher and then brought in steve jergensonwe ended up with a lot of great partners around the table and then i saw huge changes in finance and i realized that i had an innovator's dilemma. i had to decide whether i could change that big boat or i needed to step outside. >> that's where i'm going. you had a venture firm for one world. third generation. i don't think the world changed much between your grandfather and your father and your early method. now you've -- >> venture capitalists. >> now you've started this university you've started this new kind of fund. what's different in the world that makes you want to take these kind of radical steps? >> okay. so, the internet has changed media, communications information in a big way. it's flattened them all. it's disintermediated all the leaders in those fields. we're in venture capital. it is very likely that with angel list and funders club and e-shares and cap share that -- second markets that our business is going to be completely changed, too. >> right. >> and i want to get