steve lavin is here. sales quadrupled last year. that's only 1% of the total auto sales in china.s going to rise. of that not only is china trying to reduce omissions, the carmakers are forced to sell more. the fuel efficiency standards are getting more stringent. they're asked to cut pollution as well. consumers are hesitating buying them. there a lot of incentives in place. there are certain things such as the biggest problem is range anxiety. >> and the industry needs to tackle that. one thing the government is doing is trying to push more charging stations. so consumers have more places to recharge their vehicles. the other thing is battery prices are coming down. you can fit more batteries in the vehicle so they don't have the range anxiety. deskakers are putting pushing more and more. mostly their domestic brands. but foreign brands are starting to make headway. rishaad: faraday is trying to change things. be a very to interesting development. you see this company out there already introducing giving you had to foxconn. they will change not only the way we drive but the way