pundit and our contributor steve malzberg welcome hello there how are you let's do the lightning round in the biggest most consequential issue goes 1st war from the recent presidential debates here is u.s. representative tosi gabbert an army major twice deployed to the war in iraq who says war with iran would be much worse. let's deal with the situation where we are where this president and his chickenhawk cabinet have led us to the brink of war with iran this is why it's so important that every one of us every single american stand up and say no war with iran we need to get back into the iran nuclear agreement and we need to think oh she ate how we can improve it which you said steve if we were as the president says 10 minutes away from attack before he inquired about iranian civilian casualties no less are not even you grin and bear it trump support are concerned about how little it would take to trigger a war there or anywhere we were in close to attack we were close to retaliate atory attack we were attacked our drone was attacked in international waters after rand put mines on $22