in a widely reported event, steve mcintyre a canadian research eric who testified before -- reerger, who testified before congress several years ago, he's been trying to get, through freedom of information act, the public document, the documents some of these studies are purported to be based on. instead of releasing them they purged them. they took them away in what is reported to be an unprecedented data purge. they've deleted files relating to station data from the public directories. twhrer data now if they're still in existence? what is it they're trying to hide? if the temperature data records proved their theory, they'd want to publicize them, at least i would think they would. let's go to number four. this is an email from phil jones who we know well, now to a gentleman named neville nichols. mr. nichols -- let's see, mr. nichols -- i'm not sure who mr. nichols is. but here it says, i hope i don't get a call from congress. ok. i'm hoping that no one there realizes i have a u.s. department of energy grant and have had this, with tom w., for the last 25 years. so, this is back