it was renowned photographer steve mckury. oke with him on the publication of his new book "afghanistan," named for the country he holds so close to his heart. >> this is the book. steve mccurry, welcome. we've moved over to our window onto the world and into your images. so let me first ask you you're so famous for that one picture and we'll get to it. but what drew you to afghanistan in the first place? >> i was a young freelance photographer i started my career in india. i thought this would be an interesting place to start. and after about a year of looking around for stories and pictures i wandered into pakistan up in the mountains. i was just going to look at some of the interesting tribes in the hindu kush. and i met two afghan refugees at the hotel who told me about this war that was raging literally over the next mountain. and they said the story's undone, nobody knows about it in the world, we want you to come in and tell our story. we crossed the border illegally, without a passport. and i had never worked in a confl