i have with your question steve pegasus carousel e try áo sell cds and tapes viet y nd to order pastorarnold murray work the nature of god that goes into his and our current 10 o15 n. study on our teaching concerning the trinity but basically u have to consider there are fferent offices that god holds there are different offices that satag holds he was the serpent in the garden of edeg easy old dragon he's lucifer and isaiah chapter 14 he's the antichrist we've been study he has that @@ different roles god has of thinking of it felicia in texas first thank you for your teaching you sure welcome is ere anyway you can know in the flesh who the third are the fell into are the other two thirds and no got erased or the races are memory when @@ no whchs here the sond earth and heaven age we have no memory of the first earth @ and heaven age for reason he was those ird follow satan satan's rebellion in the first earth and heaven age to love him and follow him so he esn't want anyone prejudged ifou will seon whaey did in the first is the whole reason for this the send earth and heaven age they