his name, doctor steven pitt. steves interviews with them as part of the custody case. dr. steven pitt: can you do me a favor and say and spell your full name? connie jones: connie jones, c-o-n-n-i-e j-o-n- e-s. dr. steven pitt: okay. connie jones: i thought he was exceptional. his report i thought was very detailed and accurate. josh mankiewicz: doctor pitts report matched what rick had come to believe about dwight jones. "without psychiatric intervention and treatment, mister jones mental state is going to continue to unravel. he will become increasingly paranoid, likely psychotic, and pose an even greater risk for perpetrating violence." when dwights probation ended, connie obtained an order of protection that once again prohibited him from owning guns. karen kolbe: this case is the scariest case ive ever been involved in. josh mankiewicz: remember karen kolbe, the therapist awakened in the middle of the night by the cops? she worked with connie and dwights son for two years starting in 2009. karen kolbe: divorces ar