if y fashion yourself the next steve prefontaine, then a vizsla or a weinmeraner is the dog for you. they like to run for miles on end. if getting to the mailbox is more your speed.. then hang out with a papillon- they like to sprint too. if you live by a beach or a lake.. we're jealous.. and an english springer spaniel, poodle or a lab will race you to shore. if you're exercise routine is really just working your upper body in the form of throwing a frisbee or ball- we won't judge- but find friendship with and australian shepherd or a border collie. if it's cold where you are.. we wont come visit.. but grab the sled and your husky.. they love winter sports.. golden retreivers, beagles and dalmations like a good hike.. while a corgi likes a leisurely walk.. and who can blame them with those legs. and the best dog to have by your side? a shelter dog! they are just happy to be anywhere.. for today's health minute, i'm holly firfer. jenna: coming up after the break... we'll tell you about a local community service club that is celebrating its golden anniversary. has been active in commu